About Us
ITC Tamil Centre was formed to advance the rich heritage of the Tamil culture for the public benefit through an education programme to all the communities particularly to the younger people living in the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames and its environs. It does this by organising regular classes in Tamil language, music and dance, by providing performances and workshops, by celebrating cultural festivals and by providing opportunities to perform in public. The activities are open to all and can be accessed by all the communities regardless of their background.
Today, ITC Tamil Centre delivers Tamil language, music and dance education services to more than 200 pupils through its project group Kingston Tamil School, shares the performance of Tamil culture and diverse arts with all the communities whilst embracing and respecting the rich diversity of the UK through ITC Fine Arts, and facilitates and promotes recreational activities among young children through ITC Youth Sports Club.
Our History
1986 - Institute of Tamil Culture (ITC) was inaugurated on 19 April 1986 with thirteen pupils and two volunteer teachers as a mother tongue supplementary school with the aim to promote Tamil language and culture.
2001 – ITC was expanded to promote performing arts and recreational activities too through ITC Fine Arts and ITC Youth Sports Club. Its education services group was named as Kingston Tamil School. All the groups started operating under the terms and reference of ITC Tamil Centre limited company.
2019 – ITC Tamil Centre was registered as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
Our Projects

Kingston Tamil School
Advancing education and culture through classes in Tamil language, classical music and South Indian dance, celebrating of cultural and all faith based festivals.
Classes every Saturday in Tamil language, vocal and variety of instrumental music and South Indian dance based at Tolworth Girls School in line with main stream school term dates.
Regular talks/ speeches about Tamil heritage and culture by scholars
Celebrating all traditional festivals. Thai Pongal, Tamil new year, Navararthri, Deepawali, Christmas

Advancing the performance of Tamil culture and diverse arts through workshops and productions in music, dance and theatre.
Organising workshops leading to a performances
Organising cultural diverse programmes involving wider communities and cultures.

ITC Fine Arts

KITC Youth Sports Club
Facilitating recreational activities through coaching and participating in competitions of sporting activities such as Athletics, Cricket, football and netball.
Football / Netball / Cricket practices.
Participating in friendly matches
Organising a sports day to participate in athletics and ball games.